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Chase Your Frigid Blues Away With BluLuna!

Jan 30 | 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Dinner and drinks service starts 1 hour before showtimes.

Sparkling Enchanting Jazz

BluLuna was formed by four veteran musicians driven by their love for the myriad genres of jazz, refusing to limit themselves to a single branch of the music. By focusing on familiar melodic compositions, this open-minded approach allows them to explore fresh and vibrant ideas, honoring the vast range of America’s first original sonic art form. The result is a remarkably warm delivery of a strong yet delicately nuanced mélange of enchanting moments.

Dean Magraw: Guitar
Rick Carlson: Piano
Steve Pikal: Bass
Jay Epstein: Drums

Dean Magraw studied at the University of Minnesota and Berklee College of Music in Boston. He spent five years in Beantown, playing professionally and teaching. After returning to his hometown St. Paul, he’s had a life of music – playing, composing, arranging, producing, & recording. Magraw’s music is impossible to pigeonhole. For 15 years, he was half of a duo with mandolinist Peter Ostroushko. He has collaborated with Masahiro Nitta, who plays the traditional Japanese shamisen; with Nigel Kennedy, Britain’s bad boy of the classical violin; with Nirmala Rajasekar, South Indian vocalist and player of the vina; with the singers Bruce Henry, Ruth MacKenzie, and Claudia Schmidt; with the Irish supergroup Altan. As a jazz cat, he leads his own trio, performs with Chris Bates & Jay Epstein as Red Planet since 2002, and more recently has formed BluLuna.

“Dean Magraw’s music transcends, transports and lifts the soul to a higher level as he weaves, cajoles, and entices every note from his instrument . . . at one with one’s art” –Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh


Dunsmore Jazz Room
6161 Hwy 65 NE
Minneapolis, MN 55432 United States

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